Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Pre-school/Toddler Ideas and Websites

Ever since I have been staying home (almost 2 years now), I have been looking for ideas of things to do with the little girls - one will be 3 at the end of May and one is 19 months.  I have researched quite a few websites.  I was looking for something FREE of course .  I did find a lot of good curriculum that you could buy but they are little young yet to make it worth it.  And when you can get (almost) the same thing for free, why pay right?  I did get a lot of good ideas while researching and found great sites that I visit often to refresh my list.

Here are some of the things we TRY to do on a daily basis.
(I know you are probably thinking [well at least my Dad is thinking - love you Dad] 'She is at home all day, how can she not get all of this in?' Believe me, the days go by alot faster than when you are sitting at a desk.  Between breakfast, getting dressed/teeth/hair, morning snack, lunch, naps, afternoon snack, dinner and bedtime routines there really isn't a lot of time to do a lot of structured activities.)

Anyway... here they are:
  • Coloring or painting (some type of art)
  • Puzzles, legos, beads or blocks (or other fine motor skill activities)
  • Large motor - climbing, playing catch, soccer, running, tag, bikes, etc.
  • Pretend play - girls love to play house, kitchen or school with their older sister
  • Circle time - see previous post
  • Books
  • Flashcards
Here are a few of the websites that I use to get ideas, print off color sheets, worksheets, etc.: - probabaly one of my favorites!  I love the calendar station. She has a monthly calendar of just one or a few ideas to do each day so it isn't so overwhelming.  However, all of her information is great!

1 comment:

Wendy Irene said...

Amy I LOVE your little side note under TRY, lol! I am going to read that to my husband, and then re-read it to him again. Sometimes even the must dos end up under try depending on the day :-) Good luck with your 3:00. I think we were eating the exact same snack.

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